Commuter Services in Maine
From buses and shuttles to van and carpooling services, commuters have many options to help them reduce their reliance on personal vehicles. These alternatives are convenient and economical — and they help relieve stress on the environment, not to mention stress on drivers and wear-and-tear on vehicles.
View a list of Commuter Service Providers.

GO Maine Commuter Connections
Region: Aroostook, Downeast and Acadia, Greater Portland and Casco Bay, Kennebec and Moose River Valley, Maine Beaches, Maine Lakes and Mountains, Mid-Coast, The Maine Highlands
Service Area: State-Wide
Services/Features: Commuter Service
Website: www.gomaine.org
Phone: 1-800-280-RIDE (7433)
This free commuter assistance program provides services to commuters who live, work, or travel throughout the State of Maine. Commuter services include:
- Carpool and vanpool ridematching using a computerized database of commuters and commuter information
- Carpool support, including the Emergency Ride Home Guarantee
- Commuter information and referrals on regional transportation options
Emergency Ride Home
Benefit that allows for a free rental car home, for active carpool or vanpool participants, in the event of a workday emergency. Think of it as "commuter insurance"!
www.gomaine.org | 1-800-280-RIDE

Maine Park & Rides
MaineDOT and the Maine Turnpike Authority maintain Park and Ride parking lots where commuters can connect with car and vanpools. View Park & Ride Information.