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Tour 18 - Sebasticook Valley

Region: The Maine Highlands
Highlights: lake, pond, river views, low traffic, museums, rural, urban


Tour Loops
Name Distance Terrain
26-mile ride 26 Moderate terrain, hilly, for intermediate cyclists
51-mile ride (continues from 26-mile ride, mile 14.1) 51 Moderate terrain, hilly, for intermediate cyclists
69-mile ride (continues from 26-mile ride, mile 14.1) 69 Challenging terrain for experienced cyclists

These pleasant loops take cyclists through 12 different towns of the Sebasticook Valley region, providing scenic views of Big Indian Pond, Sebasticook Lake, and Plymouth Pond. The Sebasticook River intersects many points along the tour. Scenery includes a mixture of rolling farmland, forest, and quaint villages.

This tour provides a variety of different options that include both on-road and off-road possibilities. Whereas the designated loops stay on public roads, the enterprising trip planner can use the Four Seasons Adventure Trail if some off-road experience is desired. See the Multi-Use Trail section in this book.

All three rides go through scenic rural countryside. Each ride builds upon the 26-mile loop. The 51-mile ride goes by Sebasticook Lake, a 4,288-acre lake on the edge of town. The 69-mile ride goes through 10 different towns, including Dexter. Numerous options abound here. Try whatever is within your limits and have fun!

Special features: Numerous lakes and ponds, rolling farmland, mountain views

Road conditions: Generally good; some broken pavement, uneven surfaces, and soft shoulders

Cautions: Narrow roads; some roads have no shoulders

Starting point: All rides begin at the Park & Ride lot at the shopping center on Somerset Ave. (on the left off I-95 exit 150 toward Pittsfield)

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