Katahdin Baxter State Park-photo by Edward Faulkner flickr

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The Maine Highlands

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Abbott Library - DexterRipley Vegitable StandSangerville Town HallIndian Lake from Dexter RdLine RdIndian Lake - DexterPine St. - Dover FoxcroftFirst Methodist Church - Dexter


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Tour 17 - Penquis Valley

Region: The Maine Highlands
Highlights: beaches, swimming holes, historical landmarks, lake, pond, river views, low traffic, mountain views, rural


Tour Loops
Name Distance Terrain
16-mile ride 16 Moderate terrain, hilly, for intermediate cyclists
31-mile ride 31 Moderate terrain, hilly, for intermediate cyclists
47-mile ride 47 Challenging terrain for experienced cyclists
56-mile ride 56 Challenging terrain for experienced cyclists

Beautiful lakes, streams, potato farms, mountains, and vast tracts of wooded land make for lovely, scenic rides in this part of Maine. The 16-mile loop provides a gentle introduction to road biking on low-traffic roads through rolling farmland with a view of Ripley Pond. The 31-mile loop includes a visit to Dexter and Wassookeag Lake. The 47-mile loop goes through the towns of Sangerville, Guilford, and Cambridge.

The pleasant 56-mile ride takes cyclists through portions of three Maine counties: Piscataquis, Somerset, and Penobscot. The loop includes the communities of Dexter, Dover-Foxcroft, Guilford, and Cambridge. Access to these communities is easy because of the well-maintained highways and rural roads.

Special features: Historic and friendly communities of St. Albans, Dexter, Dover- Foxcroft, and Guilford; mountain scenery, scenic lakes and rivers, and potato farms

Road conditions: Generally good; some shoulders; some broken pavement, short gravel section, uneven surfaces, and soft shoulders

Cautions: Moderate traffic. Some roads have no shoulders. .

Starting point: Rides originate at the Indian Lake Dam parking area in the village of St. Albans, just east of the intersections of ME 152/23 and ME 43. From I-95, take Exit 150 in Pittsfield and follow ME 152 through Hartland to St. Albans and the start of the tour.

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